The DreamWorks animated film released by 20th Century Fox begins with the story of a 7-year-old boy who suddenly has to face a big "event" in his life: becoming the brother of a younger brother. The odd behavior makes people ask: Where did this mysterious figure in baby form come from and for what purpose? With $49 million, the success of The Boss Baby was a surprise even for the film crew, which only had expectations for "moderate" revenue. Up to now,
Awesome Cleveland Indians Monster Shirt after 17 days of release, "Beauty and the Beast" has grossed nearly $ 400 million in the North American market and $ 876.3 million in global theaters. Opening with $ 19 million, Ghost in the Shell - a remake of the 1995 Japanese animated classic of the same name with the participation of Scarlett Johansson, has absolutely no chance to compete with the 2 winners. leading position.
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