Check your boo bees mine tried to kill me Breast Cancer shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweater and long sleeve t-shirt

Mickey had the opportunity to introduce you to the bee Check your boo bees mine tried to kill me Breast Cancer shirt, and today we will learn more about the bee relatives! - Hello, hardworking bee. Where are you going? - Hello, I'm on a scouting mission! - Scouting? - You must be very strange, right? We live in large groups, so we need to have a clear social organization or else we will get lost. Each person is assigned their own work. We are scouting bees to fly to find new sources of honey. - So that's how it is. Is that like a colony of ants or termites?

- Right. In each colony were these queen bees, workers, young bees, and male bees. - Are there many queen bees in a flock? - No, there's only one queen bee. That is the female bee specializing in laying eggs. Queen bee can live for 10 years guys. - How about the queen bee is too old? - At that time, a new instrument will be established. Queen bees are only born when the bee is a colony. When the queen bee is too old to give birth poorly or die. - Can the other females in the herd lay eggs? - No. Worker bees are female, but are incapable of giving birth. Only do the task of taking nectar, building the hive, taking care of the queen bee and the young bee.

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