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Confirm everything with actual source documents. You will find lots of complete trees on line that may relate to your family, but beware the I just need coffee and my crochet shirt besides I will buy this temptation to just copy them. I have found a lot of errors, omissions, etc. in other people’s trees. Use them for hints only and do your own confirmatory research. Be aware that standardized spelling and universal literacy are recent developments.Children from one of my own ancestor’s family ended up with surnames spelled Brymner, Bremner, Bremer, Brimer, Brebner, depended on where they ended up. None of them could read or write. Also, despite people claiming their tree goes back 1000 years, take that with a grain of salt be aware that for ordinary folks, written records usually peter out almost entirely between 1600 and 1700. If anyone you know tries to make these claims to you, then you should know that they are either racists or too gullible to do any serious fact checking. If they are unwilling to accept the actual facts, that would be justification enough for me to terminate any existing friendship. It is certainly true that the Rothschild family of merchant bankers was rich and powerful a couple of hundred years ago.
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