Looking at my wife I think damn she is one lucky woman shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweater and long sleeve t-shirt
If it weren’t for Instagram, my audience would not have found my work. My agent found me via Instagram. It’s radical for people of color to not require gatekeepers to decide that their work is valuable. As these platforms have become more commodified, it’s become harder for small artists to be seen and get the Looking at my wife I think damn she is one lucky woman shirt moreover I will buy this same reach for their work. The trolling is really intense. As a Sikh and Punjabi woman, the abuse online has been hard from trolls, predators, and people who don’t like my opinions, what I stand for, or the way I look.
You don’t need a long explanation of how you feel; two simple words will do. Wear this tee and let everyone know what you’re really thinking. The road to romance can be long, so make sure you keep one eye out for drive-through windows as you’re cruising along. You’re going to need energy and if fries are on the menu that’s all you need to know. In fact you may just skip the whole love nonsense and just stick with the fries. They’ll never let you down the way a man will. You can find good fries anywhere. Finding a good man is a lot harder. Make it easy on yourself and grab what every girl really wants: a bag of tasty, salty grease. Now that’s love.
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