Yorha For The Glory Of Mankind shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweater and long sleeve t-shirt

Set in 11945 AD, the story revolves around a war between the remnants of humanity and invading mechanical forces from another world. The invasion forced humanity to retreat to the moon. The humans sent the Androids from the YoRHa unit to the ground to destroy the invaders. While denying their feelings and not having real names, they share the same attitude that distinguishes themselves from other teammates. Unit Yorha For The Glory Of Mankind shirt was ordered to take command from Bong-ke, a reconnaissance base in orbit above Earth, and to form a resistance force below Earth to fight the Machines. The main character is YoRHa No. 2 Model B, called 2B for short, an Androids model that takes the form of a woman, has a calm and serious personality. Accompanying her is 9S (YoRHa No. 9 model S), an Android detective who shows more emotions than the other YoRHa; There is also a prototype defected from YoRHa, named A2 (YoRHa No. 2 archetype A).

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